Form Processing Services
Form processing involves extracting information from structured or customized forms, faxes and scanned images and updating it on a range of outputs.
We handle all kinds of forms from invoices, sales, purchase orders, tax statements, credit card applications, medical or insurance claims, market research forms, any online form processing and many other types. We use our in-house software for scanning and converting the forms into electronic format.
We deal with both structured and non structured versions of Form Processing. The tabular form or structured form is relatively easy to process. Non-structured form contains questionnaires or survey forms.
Your specific requirements help us to decide the appropriate tools to be used for form processing. Manual data entry is another way of serving you. Some of these Services are:-
- Skip Processing
- Payroll Processing
- Online Form Processing
- Coupon redemption forms / Contest cards
- Credit card applications
- Insurance claim forms
- Medical claim forms
- Patient records
- Product registration cards
- Online Forms Processing/Terminal Processing
- Shipping documents
- Subscriptions
- Survey forms
- Market Research forms
- Legal forms
- Account/Tax forms
- Rental forms
- Resume Processing
- Email forms
- Invoice/Purchase orders
- Questionnaires
- Admission forms
- Cheque processing
A Step by step guide to the process make it sample.
Secure Document Handling: The forms are mostly electronically transmitted. The scanned files are downloaded from client's secure FTP server for onward processing.
Corresponding images are then loaded into the customized software.
Depending on the requirements, a data base is created and the fields are added as per the needs of the client.
Accuracy: For each form processing job, we work hand on hand with the customer to create a process that secures high quality. We often use double-keying with an interface customized to the form processing job which delivers greater than 99.95% accuracy.
The data in the database is compared.
The data in the database is verified and the entire process goes through a quality check before being dispatched.
We can provide outpur in a wide range of format. Some of the typical formats in which we can deliver the data are:
- Excel Format (*.xls)
- Word Format (*.doc)
- Acrobat Portable Document Format (*.pdf)
- Text Format (*.txt, *.rtf)
- Microsoft Access (*.mdb)
- CSV Format (*.csv)
- HTML format